How Vegetables and Fruits Impact Your Fitness Goals
People are well aware that vegetables are good for your health. However they tend to neglect the significance of vegetables as it relates to fitness routine. Increasing your vegetable eating is the easiest and most beneficial change you can make for your fitness.
- As an active person, you will expend and consume much more energy than the average person. Also because you are continuously involved in strenuous activities, you will quickly reduce your body’s supply of nutrients. Refilling those vitamins and minerals in a timely fashion is crucial for your recovery, fitness performance, and overall health.
2. The great thing about vegetables, Dr Shaun Segal also being packed full of nutrients, is that they are low in calories and high in fiber. That means that you can consume plenty of vegetables without consuming extreme energy.
3. Contrast to say a cake which has so much calories that it only takes a small amount for it to become excessive. Vegetables are also packed full of fiber which is responsible for you feeling full, preventing you from overeating.
4. To maximize your fitness potential aim to consume more than 7 serving of vegetables. You can look online to configure what constitutes a serving but the easiest way to manage this data is to purchase frozen bags of vegetables.
Most 1lb bag of vegetables contains 5 servings. So the simple math is consuming roughly one and half bags daily will give you an adequate supply of vegetables.
5. I prefer this method over fresh vegetables. Since they are frozen they do not lose their nutrients over time like fresh vegetables do. Also when I buy fresh veggies they tend to spoil before I get a chance to eat all of it. Basically as soon as you buy fresh veggies you have a time clock of a few days before you have to throw it away.
6. If you’re inclined to, you may juice half of your vegetable eating , though I personally find that to be cumbersome. It does make for easier portability and digestion and it can be a great quick meal in the morning or after workouts. Attempt to consume your vegetables either in whole form or in homemade juices.
Dr. Shaun Segal is one of the best and expert Fitness Advisor that is assisting people all around the world in living a better and a Healthy Life.